Re: Questions regarding Ozone!
Hi Cyane
-1) I'm interested in buying a small Air Ozonator for my averaged sized bedroom (small). What should I like for in regards to Ozone Output (mg/h <> ppm)? What output would be effective and can you recommend several high quality models?-
If you want to "shock" the room (flood it one time with ozone)I would recommend that you have a machine capable of output of 200 mg/hr or more to accomplish this. You will certainly not need the full output all the time in a small room. A smaller unit (18 to 25 mg/hr) will do the exact same job as the larger unit. It will just take longer to eliminate the pathogens present. As the need for ozone in a room decreases with the elimination of particles/pathogens/spores/chemicals etc, more ozone will be noticed in the room at the same concentration that was started with.
The Enaly 200 mg unit is a very reliable unit but I don't think it comes even close to producing what it says it does.
Aranizer is overpriced for a simple 60 hz ozonator.
For the money, I've had good experience with the air units from Aquasun Ozone, model HV 202 and model 308. You can buy them directly from Aquasun or from my website for the same price at
2) Also interested in buying a good Water/Olive Oil Ozonator, can you recommend several high quality brands? Cold Corona, Cold Plasma? What else should I look for in features and construction of the unit?
I do not recommend you buy an inexpensive China made ozonator if you're planning to ozonate oil for any length of time. The air pumps almost invariably give out as the bubblers clog and the back-pressure increases on the pump, or the constant ozonation for hours will burn out the ozone cell.
From my discussions with John and even though I have no experience with his unit, I feel I could recommend the Synergy on E-bay.
Cold corona gives you way more bang for your buck than cold plasma when it comes to ozone output, but cold plasma is far more pure because there are no metals in the gas stream. Dual-dialectric cold corona in my opinion is the best of all worlds. I also have a reasonably priced one of these on the website. I also feel that if you're at all serious about using ozone, that one should use a generator exclusively with oxygen. The small air-fed generators cannot compare to the benefits or numbers of uses of an oxygen-fed generator.
If you want an inexpensive reliable generator that can be used with oxygen and can do water, oil and more,the Utility Water Ozonator on our website is a bargain. It's a 250 mg/hr unit when used with air, but boosts to almost 400 mg/hr when used with oxygen.
Longevity resources has a very good therapeutic unit.
Ozone services IMO has the best therapeutic units, but brace yourself for the price.
3) What are the differences between Medical-Grade and other Ozonators?
Medical grade generators use exclusively pure medical oxygen as feed source gas. As mentioned earlier,IMO dual-dialectric injection pulsed cold corona generators are the best. True medical generators have features that only a few on this forum ( I think) are familiar with, so i won't belabour you with a long explanation. These units cost thousands of dollars.
Hope this all helps
Happy shopping!