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Questions regarding Ozone!
Cyane Views: 5,866
Published: 19 y

Questions regarding Ozone!

Okay, so in the very near future I want to get a nice Ozone Generator, say in the $200-$500 dollar range (preferably a 'Cold Corona' model). Anyway, onto the questions:

1) I saw a few Ozone Air Purifiers that generate a small amount of Ozone (6 to 24 mg/h). Is this amount safe for continuous inhalation (such as for the bedroom?)

2) Does Ozone from drinking Ozonated Water reach your entire body? I read somewhere that because the Ozone dissipates so rapidly, it couldn't reach every area (I want to add it to my Bowel and Liver Cleansing routines for a very thorough cleansing)

3) Is there a website or list that contains information on what drinking Ozonated Water does for you?

4) I read that some Ozone Generators can generate Ozone higher than O3, such as O4, O5, O6, O7, etc. Would that provide even better detoxification than just O3 - Ozone and would drinking water with that high of Ozone be safe?

5) Ozone Generators that use the 'Cold Corona' method supposedly produce Nitrous Oxide a toxic gas, is this true?

If I can think of any more questions, I'll be sure to ask! Thanks in advance!



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