Thank you all who responded to me post .. BUT ..
It was interesting that you all responded to how my dog might feel about being left home alone ..
... actually, it was more about how *I* feel about leaving him at home :-) I think it's ME that gets the seperation anxiety!
The house is very secure, we have a good, well enclosed garden. If I have to leave him at home, I have left the back door open for him (very secure because we have high fences all around (sorry I don't know what it's called) covered at the top with the black sticky paint that deters burglars.
There is minimal noise as we are at the end of a cul-de-sac
He always gets 2 good walks a day (sometimes 3)
So there's no problem with him going out and having a pee whenever he wants, and he's always had free roam of the house and has never been destructive. We did have a crate when we first brought him home, but after a while, he kept sitting or sleeping on a part of the sofa - so that's where he sleeps these days - I guess that must be the good feng Shui spot in the house! He doesn't moult, so it's no problem. And he always lets himself out for a pee ..
Maybe I'm just a born worrier, but when I leave him for a little while even, I imagine he's feeling rejected and lonely. And then I worry about things that are unlikely to happen ... like what if my car breaks down, or I'm held up etc. !!
It's just that there have been instances where I needed to be out of the house for 3-4 hours and I have avoided those and was wondering if this is ok for a dog that's just turned 13 months?
Thanks for the ears!