It is difficult leaving your dog at home, but you don't want to cause any undue stress to your dog about doing it. Don't make a big fuss about it when you leave and give him attention, but not overly, when you get home. If you overdo it, you will create separation anxiety. Always tell your dog that you will return and send positive energy to him and be calm about it. You can send him loving energy while you are gone, and he will love that. Give him a job to do, such as telling him to take good care of your home while away. (We always tell our cats and dogs this.) You can always leave some good chewy treats to keep him occupied and he won't hardly know you are gone.
As far as leaving our dogs at home, we have a dog door so that they can go in or out to relieve themselves, or so they can run and play in our yard. I know that not everyone can do this, but it works fantastic and does give us humans flexibility to come and go. Yes, we miss all our furkids when we leave, but then it is so wonderful to come home.