Re: Strange things floating the bowl...1st should ask Humaworm, the parasite expert...
Hello - It sounds like you have very well-established parasites. Most folks only need to
parasite cleanse twice per year to stay clear of them, but in your case, I would recommend
parasite cleansing three times per year (every 90 days).
In between the cleanses, you need to eat onions, garlic, sage, thyme, ginger, cloves and cinnamon daily. Eat as much garlic and onions as you want, but use 1/4 teaspoon of the others. These are anti-parasitic in nature and will keep the
parasites at bay but they will not create super parasites. Just consume these daily in your regular food. (cloves, cinnamon & ginger in oatmeal or applesauce - the others on baked chicken or in rice or potatoes, etc.)
Overuse or misuse of
parasite cleansing herbs can create resistant parasites("super parasites") - its the same as the overuse of anti-biotics creating "super bugs".