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Re: Strange things floating the bowl...1st should ask Humaworm, the parasite expert...

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

hen27 Views: 2,448
Published: 19 y
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Re: Strange things floating the bowl...1st should ask Humaworm, the parasite expert...

Thank you Laura.

Thank you Humaworm. I will read through your posts for more information. I did want to mention that when I was growing up, I had a severe case of Ascaris & had a 15 inch long white round worm come out of my mouth when I was playing outdoors. I've always had a bout with worms & I remember mum used to give me deworming tablets every 6 mths. When I was 13, I started to get severe dark circles under my eyes & I also have chronic ecxema that never truly has gone away even though it clears up for long periods of time. (At the moment I'm a terrible mess)

Do you think all this is parasite related? How long will it be before I can get rid of severe parasite infestation. Who knows what inside of this point..I dont know what to believe. I'm on the second two week phase of Clarkia & I feel a lot of itchiness on the inside end of the anus area. Thanks again.

Thank you all so very much. I truly appreciate everyone's responses


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