Kevin, This is what renowned Dr. N.W.Walker D.Sc.,Ph.D. says about excessive masterbation and I want to relay it to you for your consideration. I quote. "When one considers that the period of reproducing a single orgasm or discharge of the semen requires an average of 35 days, it can readily be appreciated why the excessive discharge of this semen causes weakness, and when deliberately exercised by an adult may cause premature loss of the ability to function sexually. All to often weakness and senility is the result of a lifelong abuse of such a practice. Twenty percent of the semen is composed of cerebrospinal fluid. As the cerebrospinal fluid emanates from the region of the brain, the unnecessary loss of semen causes weakness and eventual degeneration of the brain cells and tissues. Loss of memory is one of the end-effect of such a disturbance. Man's virility depends upon his conservation of the sperm, not his ability to waste it."