One or the raps that is out there about Zeolite is that it so completely traps the heavy metal particles that they can't be redistributed or even stress the liver or kidneys. I also get my main detox symptom while taking it - fatigue. That makes me wonder if part of the detox reaction comes from the tissure releasing metals. Perhaps there is some damage done, not from redistrubuting, but just from the releasing. I suppose a mercury atom going back out of a cell can also have an effect. This is just an idea I have had, based on no scientific evidence of any sort. The Andy Culter method of detox seems to be based on a very low dose given frequently - every 4-6 hours around the clock for a period of time and then the body is given a resting period. He uses DMSA, but perhaps any chelator works better this way. Zeolite can also be purchased in bulk as a power - perhaps yet another ingredient for my homemade glycos?