Re: Magnesium, Liver Flush, Candida and confused
Hi, Anthony!
Wow! Quite the roller coaster ride you've been on!
My completely not-a-doctor advice:
Continue your bowel cleansing and your probiotics.
Work on lowering your body's pH (i.e. get more alkaline). Your heart palpitations scream "magnesium deficiency" to me. Try taking an extra magnesium capsule or two at night before bed time.
At your earliest convenience, add in
parasite cleansing.
After three or four weeks of a
parasite program (continued with the
Bowel Cleanse and probiotics), start doing either kidney or liver flushes. Use Dr. Clark's methods (unless and only unless another one just screams out at you as "the one to do" -- in which case, do that one).
I say
kidney cleanse because you have high blood pressure. I say liver because of your pains. Pick either one to do for awhile (whichever seems more important to you). Once you've completed one, then switch to the other.
Your high blood pressure also suggests heavy metal poisoning -- maybe lead, maybe cadmium. You might want to try finding out if you have either of these in your environment (maybe your tap water, for example). You can help yourself clean up heavy metal poisoning with daily alpha lipoic acid supplementation.
Continue reading through this site to get other ideas. You may find that other methods for handling these things seem "more right" to you, in which case you should do them.
Good luck!