Try eating lots of plain yoghurt. Zero sugar. Zero flour products. That will starve your yeasts. Hulda Clark 's cleanses and cleanups are vital //
I have to humbly say that I'm just a beginner and I only heal my very close relatives and usually shop around and consult many different healers of different disciplines and talk with fellow natural healing enthusiasts, my son's school is a natural healing enthusiast (anthroposophic) it is called Waldorf, we also get a lot of information there.
I live in the Philippines so we have different protocols for parasites here.
Just this morning I fed my kids a couple of fresh green ipil-ipil seeds. (Ipil-Ipil is a Tree) This is good against worms.
My wife and I sometimes consume whole cloves of fresh organic philippine garlic with our meals to fight against yeast or other parasites. The big non-organic garlic imported from Taiwan is not potent enough.
The coconut cures book has a parasite cleanse protocol involving dried coconut on Page 199 parasite Purge.