Re: inner thigh eczema
If you do have candida and the scratching is a pain, I have done for myself taping freshly pounded raw garlic at the soles of my feet, using virgin coconut oil as a medium for fast absorption into the blood stream. Do this for 15 minutes only to avoid chemical burns from the raw garlic. You may experience instant relief from the itching for a day. You can repeat this procedure too.
Virgin Coconut Oil usually comes from our country, the Philippines.
If you search on the internet, a lot of people may already be importing it in your country.
You can check your local health food store.
Make sure it says VIRGIN, this is different from regular coconut oil.
There are flavored ones in the market, do not buy those, you want your VCO to be pure.
Try to buy Bruce Fife's book Coconut Cures, it will guide you: Coconut Oil Detox page 195.