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Re: Yeast overgrowth under fingernails? Pls help!
stannarad Views: 3,652
Published: 19 y
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Re: Yeast overgrowth under fingernails? Pls help!

I don't know much about the products you mentioned. These must be the 'latest and greatest ' products now? After having tried about all the so called cures I can tell you there are no easy fixes. These are marketing techniques used to push these products.

Oh dear...if you had facial swelling from the kumbacha tea then I'd say steer clear of it! There is some intolerance going on there.

Gosh I had not heard that about too much salt. That's interesting.

Yes if you've traveled abroad there's an even greater chance you have collected some parasites along the way. Perhaps a parasite cleanse is in order. I am of the mindset that we always have some to a degree and when we get our sytems running properly then they should not be a problem. Just my thoughts. But some of those critters can really wreak havok so if your symptoms are pretty bad then i'd say it's best to have your doc order a stool culture and see what's what ( they aren't always conclusive though ).

Thanks for the dental referral. However, I am way across the country from Florida. I managed to locate a biologic dentist ( from Dr. Huggins site ) but he's several hours away, and I am not prepared to go that route at this time anyway. I'm just not impressed with what I've heard from folks....there doesn't appear to be a lot of people who recovered from candidiasis this way.



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