Aahh, that's very interesting about the teeth fitting properly together. My bite has been off for years and I grind them at night. I have a night guard that I wear but it only keeps my teeth from wearing quite as badly ( but I take it out sometimes in my sleep-lol). Lordy I can only imagine the work that would have to be done to fix my bite. I looked into it many many years ago ( when it first began )but couldn't find anyone...only one guy who seemed quacky to me. Then shortly thereafter my health began it's slow 15 year decline so I never could really focus on that. Perhaps when my hubby and I pay down some of this debt I will seriously look into a biologic/wholistic dentist. Here in Florida these alternative people are VERY hard to locate. They aren't welcomed by allopathic doctors so I guess they kind of hide in the shadows. It's unfortunate.
Thanks again for the chat and input and please let me know if you have anymore info regarding the pathways and role of the teeth ( in regards to fit ). I'd be interested to hear what your naturopth says about that. :-)
Good luck with your health. Gosh those black hands worry me. Do look into that.