Re: Does this mean there's still hope for America?
YES! and you are the one, as am I, to be the torch carrier
The political debate misses the point- we're all in it together
as soon as you feel your power is gone- it is
the polarization does not help but further complicate
We all want a clean environment if corporations abuse this
Do not do business with them
Oil companies??? then buy the alternative enrgy cars or the half and half hybrids
There is ONE thing you can count on in America, if you put money where your mouth is
It will change
Your money how your shop commsumerism will dicate how we look as an economy and as a nation
vot Bush out in 2 years
I know he sounds like the more conservative Christian posters we have here
But even the Chrisitans know something smells
We may usher the cancer out of politics the way bargain shpping has chases jobs offshore and placed a Wlmart with a Starbucks in it or is that Von's? ;}
You have the power to change it all
Be patient and perservere
It Works
Believe it and it is so