This is great advice Hopinso and I have found that this way of transitioning into a fast works very well for me. I am going to do a 2 week fast the 2nd & 3rd week of November so I am already using the lemonade for my late afternoon and evening meal.
This gets me into the frame of mind and also gives my body a head's up too. I find my focus shifts to doing all the things I usually associate with fasting, and this works well for me. It is also a good way for me to empty the refrigerator and not restock things. There is no effort wasted and certainly the cayenne will begin its work with even one drink a day. When I am not fasting, I make up a lemonade so I can get a good dose of cayenne in. Coming here also keeps me mindful of furthering my goals to *work* at keeping on the healing path~!
Have a great day~~