I have been doing a month one annually and more day or weekend ones. Using the lemonade as a meal replacement or a *cayenne* delivery system has been a great option too. This next year, I am going to do my month one into 3-4 ten day cleanses. I do other cleanses in between, 1-2 designated
parasite cleanses a year, a yeast cleanse after New Years after Ive eaten more sweets than I should during the holi-daze. Then a
kidney cleanse if needed, over and beyond
Watermelon juicing and such. Some
Liver Flushing in between the others...and some rest periods of integration. My fast in a few weeks will be an OJ one. Ive done enough deep cleaning and want to do an OJ fast while the new orange juice crop comes in since they are so sweet the oranges are like liquid heaven. It will more of a rebuilding cleanse rather than a detox one.
My main reason for coming back to the
Master-Cleanse is that it is up on my cleansing/fasting pedestal as a cleanse which gives me time to process feelings that have come up as I deal with emotional eating. I do not eat so much bad stuff, but I notice I do eat emotionally and *too much* food in different situations where I am stressed, or when I am happy and use food to "reward" myself, just like my Grandma used to do.
So, each layer of my resistance pretty much is a cleanse. Each cleanse builds on another, each one unique, and each one an opportunity for deeper healing. I happen to be a sensitive person and sometimes I eat to numb or dampen the psychic pain and it is my major hurdle to totally overcome using eating as a coping skill. I like the process of developing a strategy to *out-play* my mind, almost as if it were a chess game with myself. I am getting better at being both sides of these issues, the part of me demanding I stand up to the part of me who can be my biggest obstacle, and getting in touch with the creative, nurturing part of me who is the cheerleader and comes up with do-able ideas. Its working well for me and coming here helps keeps me focused, and I get a home-schooling in alternative medicine/remedies.
So, that is my pattern. Its a personal thing since we all have different ways to motivate ourselves. Most likely we all have different patterns. Body maintenance is not always easy to work out with a busy schedule, so fortunately for me, I am landed for this year and most likely next, in a place which keeps me close to home and the privacy of a bath and all the tools one needs to do some designated cleansing.
Good luck with finding *your groove*...ggg.
The Master Cleanse Express