Re: The MC and Potassium deficiency
You can use Blackstrap Molasses, unsulphured, on
The Master Cleanse and it is rich in iron, potassium and calcium. It is included in
The Master Cleanse book.
Health Benefits: Most sweeteners have negligible mineral content, but molasses--especially dark molasses--is an exception. Blackstrap molasses is rich in calcium, iron, and potassium. Medium molasses and light molasses are considerably less rich in minerals. In the Oriental Five Element system, molasses strengthens the spleen pancreas, eases coughing, and lubricates the lungs.
and no...ggg...grinding your bananas is not much different than masticating them. You would still jumpstart the digestion.
I wish you luck with your choices~~
be happy, be well,
The Master Cleanse Express