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Re: going on a year now...
rocquetgirl Views: 3,784
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 763,203

Re: going on a year now...

Thanks Michelle and all who have responded.

I am eating about a bucket of raw veggies per day, a little chicken, a little tofu, almonds, a little millet and goat yogurt w/ flax seed meal. I've been taking a very good multi for many years. I take a pH balance formula at night, and drink a ton of water with lemon. This is how I've been eating for a little over a week. I've been taking a small dose of a colon-cleanse product at night to help pass the dead yeast, but I've got some Okra-Pepsin-E3 on the way to finish peeling the mucus out of my intestine. I'm going to schedule a colonic, but the shake sounds like a great way to go (and delicious! don't worry. I let go of delicious a long time ago...) I've got a good Homeostatic Soil Organism probiotic I'm taking daily, as well as digestive enzymes every day. I'm going to consult with the nutritionist mentioned in the first reply to see if she can advise on other antifungals. I've used Grapefruit-Seed-Extract in the past, but kinesiology says it's not going to be useful at the moment. The Caprylic acid seems like a good one, as it's in the Colostrum I'm taking, and my body wants that.

This is great! I'll do whatever it takes. I'm working too much this season to be laid up in pain all the time. Any advice on more vaginal alternatives? I've used probiotic suppositories, tea tree and oregano tampons, zeolite douche, Vitamin A suppositories, Vitamin C suppositories, etc, etc. Have I missed anything?

Thank you all so much. I don't know why I haven't got on here sooner.

Hope in my heart-


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