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Re: going on a year now...

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Published: 19 y
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Re: going on a year now...

I read your message and I can't imagine your suffering. All i can reommend is a couple of books by naturopathic doctors and some web sites to visit, medical doctors will not be able to cure you, you will need to search for your cure. 1. The Makers Diet, by Jordan Rubin who overcame an almost deadly battle with IBS, he has a couple of really good books that address candida, Restoring your Digestive Health, patient heal thyself, and his latest one, The great physician RX. i also recommend some books by Dr. Colbert, The Bible cure for Candida and Yeast Infection, what you don't know may be killing you or Toxic Relief. It sounds like you need to do a cleanse to get that out of your system and colon but you should consult a naturopathic expert. you can call this natural coach (christine Dreher)by visiting this web site i would also recommend reading this article about Hydrogenated fats and Diglycerides, you'd be amazed at what foods they are hidden in and are probably part of your problem. i've suffered in other ways since i was 18 and i'm now 29 and finding relief,(chronic allergies and sinusitis, chronic pain and migraines) and my search for a cure has paid off. Chronic use of antibiotics and medication wreaked havoc on my system but changing my entire diet, joining a health food co-op store and learning what supplements to take has paid off. it takes time to restore your health though so be patient. it takes 3 years for your body to replace it's soft tissues (by what you eat) and 7 yrs to replace all your tissues so eliminating hydrogenated fats/diglycerides will help you tremendously and a cleanse will as well. i hope you will check out these sites, contact Christine Dreher at that web site and pray for god to lead you to restored health! this is a site for the cleanse's i did that helped me and my husband tremendously but check with that lady above she might have something stronger or you might need something stronger to get rid of this candida! God Bless, Veronica- NH


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