Diet alone will not work. It helps, and it is a must but it is NOT a cure.
Threelac will not do a thing. It is a waste of time and money. Trying to heal leaky gut while you still have candidia will also NOT work. Candida developes roots that bore holes into your intestine, as long as candida is there there will be holes. You must get rid of the candida and that alone can allow the leaky gut to heal.
Hopefully you are on a good diet . No carbs, NO FRUIT, no processed. no
Sugar etc. Basically eating meat and veggies only. Drinking only water and possibly some tea.
You NEED to bowel cleanse. This is A#1 top priority. Without doing this you will not get better. Get some psyllium ( fiber), bentonite( liquid clay that absorbs toxins) and liquid caprylic acid ( from coconut oil , antifungal, kills candida)
Mix all these ingredients in a shake and take on an empty stomach in the morning. The psyllium will swell up in the intestines forcing the liquid caprylic acid into the intestinal walls where candida hides. I have passed tons and tons of candida doing this. It is the ONLY thing that has been effective. See candida
Image Gallery to see my candida. Change up your antifungal every 4-6 weeks or so. Other good ones are
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract ( gra)pefruit seed extract), oregano oil, garlic. You may continue with the fiber shake even without the caprylic oil when you change treatments. Also, there is alot of good info regarding the use of SF-722 by Thorne as a treatment ( I have not tried this one yet).
Also eat salads with plenty of raw chopped up garlic. And get on a good multi vitamin with extra vit c , zinc, magnesium, calcium. Candida drains us of these which further disables our immune system.
Eating the diet of mostly vegetables , you will be eating alkaline. You can further tip the scales in your favor by adding plenty of salt to your food and even your drinking water. Salt alkanizes. Make sure to use
Sea Salt and NOT
table salt by any means.
It sounds to me like your candida is in the earlier stages where it still effects the vagina and skin. Later on , when it burrows deeper , it gets much harder to get rid of and symptoms are much more severe. If you do things I mention you should be able to fend it off in a 1-3 months. Then bombard yourself with probiotics and stay ont he diet as long as you can , the longer the better. Allows the good bacteria to take hold and flourish.
Best of Luck