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going on a year now...
rocquetgirl Views: 4,480
Published: 19 y

going on a year now...

So I started with the diflucan about a year ago, which didn't work. Then I did diet and boric acid, which didn't work. I'm under the guidance of a terrific accupuncturist who pointed me to threelac, which helped for several months, but then I started having urinary tract symptoms and increased yeast infection symptoms. Then I had a horrible virus with a really high fever for about 10 days and I'm worse than ever. It's on my hands, it's in my butt-crack, the vaginal yeast has flared up, I'm afraid to have sex because I'm afraid of the pain it might cause the next day. I'm on a really good probiotic, NCD Zeolite, threelac, colostrum for the leaky gut, enzymes and really strict candida diet with a focus on alkalizing my body. It's starting to help. I have dieoff symptoms every day.

My problem is, I've been through just about everything for the yeast infection and none of it is working anymore, and most stuff I try, even the stuff my accupuncturist muscle tested me for, causes tremendous pain. When I don't use it I get tremendous itching and the yeast crawling up my butt gets worse.

Does it work? Does the diet eventually work once you've sorted out the leaky gut and floral imbalance? I'm sabotaging myself by panicking all the time, and I know stress increases acidity.

Just looking for some hope from someone who's been there.


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