It's not a matter of being smarter than them. It's a matter of learning their theory and knowing how to respond when they misrepresent it. I now know the theory up one way and down the other. Of course disproving can be difficult because the theory of evolution is more of a belief than anything. There is certainly no Science to back it up. However, when someone like corinthian comes along and misrepresents the theory and proclaims that neo-darwinism is not based on gradualism, for instance, then I have the ability to correct him. It's not a matter of's a matter of simply being informed. And when someone states that monkeys came from man, since I have read extensively about it, I know there are no intermediate bones, and there is not even a name for a creature that is supposedly man's immediate is no link between Australopithecines (monkeys) and homo erectus (human.) Thus, any statement suggesting there is proof of such is unfounded. I welcome any challengers.