Re: My Top 10 List
"And how can any reasonable, thinking person conclude that the Bible is the only way it could have happened?"
Anything created has a creator. That's a law of
Science too because everything came from something.
Now, consider this. It says in physics that energy cannot be created or destroyed, right? This energy existed for eternity backwards and forwards then, okay. Now, that sounds like what God said when he said He is the Alpha and the Omega which means He has no beginning and no end. He is eternal backwards and forwards. God proved Himself to us.
So those who say the Bible does not support
Science is very wrong. In fact, the Bible inspires us to be scientific, to discover, question, experiment and test. But we should know that God is our Creator, not science.
:) AnonymousJane_01
ps I challenge you to show me something on earth that was not created by something or someone.