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SS 99.99% atheist.
Corinthian Views: 1,618
Published: 19 y
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SS 99.99% atheist.

SS, hate to break it to you but you for the most part also an Atheist.    You, like a real atheist do not believe in any of the hundreds of Gods and Godesses that exist.   The only difference is that a true atheist adds 1 more name to that list.

How do you logically justify dismissing the existence of other Gods over your god?  You don't have to answer because you can't.   It is not an objective decision, one borne of reason, facts, logic.  No, instead it is born illogic or just intellectual laziness.  There is absolutely no reason that one can logically choose to believe in one god over another.

Religion has 2 dominating factors - inherintance and, much like real estate location, location, location.

In Europe, NA, SA the main religion is christianity (in its many forms), and more than likely you just adopted the religion of your society or parents without question.   An while christianity or any other religion can be good, when it inhibits intellectual growth (like in your case) or promotes ignorance (like you do) it is bad.

Corinthian may never moks you, but I do correct you. It amuses me that  you constantly have difficulty understanding what you read, yet you insist in imposing your flawed interpretations upon us.   I do not mock ignorance, but I will oppose willful, active ignorance like yours.   If you are insistent in remaining ignorant, well,  you have my pity, sympathies, and contempt



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