I myself do both I have done about 12 LF's along with parasite cleansing and Bentonite clay baths there are many practitioners that don't know about cleansing and a few that think it's down right dangerous and ridiculous. I think if u approach it slowly and methodically the two(TCM and cleansing) work nicely together. I will say from my experience I got to a point of such extreme liver congestion herbs only made it worse but acupuncture combined with flushing totally got rid of my anger and stress( liver Qi stagnation)and I am well on the way to good health again. I would not recommend TCM herbals while flushing but acupuncture is completely appropriate and very benefical. When you reach a relief point when you slow down on the flushing (where I am at now) then you can go back and support the liver and kidneys herbally and possibly the spleen as well or blood whatever your TCm pattern dictates. I have not yet guided patients thru cleansing because that is not the area in which we were trained but I have friends that are ND's and TCM practitioners and they are fully trained in cleansing. Also in TCM a practitoner will tell you never flush harshly if you are QI or BLOOD def. so if u are approach with caution
my 2 cents