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I'm not sure if doors is the right term
z_bua Views: 1,265
Published: 18 y
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I'm not sure if doors is the right term

It is a wise man who requests assistance from Divine Spirit and then
surrenders his concepts of what it will be. Herein lies the secret to
the statement made by Jesus,"Ye must become as a little child before
ye can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven."

Children and those of the childlike consciousness are humble before
that which life presents to them. Rather than tell it what it is, they
allow it to reveal itself and thus enter into the Kingdom of Heaven
even while dwelling within this world.

The secret is that all things are secret until understanding enters
the heart. As understanding is for the individual alone, truth is ever
newly discovered by each who encounters it upon his path.

It is in this way that man learns that each path yields valid
experiences and it is his choice alone which experience he chooses to
make his own and gain the wisdom so essential to mastership.

Much Love in Spirit,



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