If it made you happy to have your dog around for another year, giving it 21 pills and chemo, what can I say?
I would not do this to any animal.
Now what were you saying about flame bait? Taken together your statements seems to suggest that I was happy to inflict the agony of Chemo on my dog of 10 years for my own selfish benefit and not for her well being.
So I point out that gee wizz the dog had a high quality of life, and was happy and content. But no you've got your mind made up already that Chemo is bad, and anyone who would think of administering it to their dog must be evil. So where did you have to go but the pills?
The way you said the 21 pill deal it sounded like you were giving your dog 21 prescription drugs from the vet.
Now what did you not comprehend about the statement I made?
After being given a ton of supplements and supportive drugs to suppress any "possible" nausea - about 21 pills
Since you seem unable to digest that statement please allow me to assist:
"ton of supplements" - note word supplement, and the word "ton" implying weight or emphasis of meaning. Note this already makes it impossible for the meaning to be that I crammed 21 Cytoxin, Lomustine etc pills down a panic stricken dog's throat. Note the second part of the statement invokes the words "supportive drugs". I'll leave it to you to figure out what those words mean. Hint: They are not Chemo drugs.
Given that I was the dog owner whose dog died of cancer, I find your blanket generic opinionated statements to be highly insensitive, uninformed based on rethoric rather than fact, if not a deliberate attempt in itself at flame bait. A less confrontational approach might help you.