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So if I understand correctly
dragondawg Views: 2,736
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 74,278

So if I understand correctly

Given if you had a dog of 10 yrs one that you had from 5 weeks of age, and the choices are:

1. Chemo and "21 pills" a day, giving the dog a chance to live swim, play, and do all the things it has normally done the past 10 years for 1 more year...


2. Put the dog to sleep immediately because of some personal belief against Chemo under any circumstances (not to mention the hardship of "21 pills" per day)

You would choose #2??? For sure it would have saved thousands of dollars.

For the record the "21 pills per day" (in reality 19 pills per 2X per day) which obviously is also being viewed as an agonizing burden were as follows:

4- 1000 mg fish oil
3- 1000 mg of Arginine wrapped in melted cheese
2- 50 mg Lycopene
2 - 150 mg CoenzymeQ (gel caps)
1 - 500 mg Vitamin C
1 - Vitamin-E (dry form) wrapped in melted cheese
2-4 25 IU BetaCarotene (had a wierd grape like smell to them)

Did I really say 19? Oh yeah

10 mg Metoclopromide 3X daily when receiving Chemo
200 mg Cimetidine when receiving Chemo

Both of the above wrapped in melted cheese. .

1-3 mg Melatonin. Ummm that makes 20. Eh it's between 19-21.

To show you how much torture I put the poor dog through, I made her catch the pills by throwing each up into the air- gulp down the hatch they went. It was real agony especially for her to eat cheese coated pills, and I'm sure she cracked the fish gel caps open in her mouth just to inflict self agony upon herself. The only thing that doesn't fit is that when in the living room, all I had to say was: "Do you want your pills?", and she would get up and run into the kitchen, sit, and patiently wait. Maybe her agony became conditioned?

But you're right, I shouldn't have put her through the 19X2 pill torture treatment daily. Guilty as charged. :O


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