Re: Any one tried uriflow????????
Do you know what type of stone you had? From what I read on another forum, Uriflow does not work well with uric type of stones, but seems to work best on oxalate type of stones. I have to *mildly* disagree that you need to avoid a stent at any cost. They have their place. My first stone completely blocked the whole funnel to the ureter, and was tightly wedged there. My kidney was swollen to 2x it's normal size and I had uremic poisoning. If they had tried lithotripsy immediately with my kidney as damaged as it was, and my health as compromised as it was, I probably would have died. So I had to have the cystoscopy to move the stone; and the stent for 3 weeks in order to hold the stone out of the position it wanted to be in, and allow the kidney to heal enough to have the lithotripsy. I'm not saying everyone needs it, just that I seemed to. And I would most certainly avoid it if I could.
I did go ahead and purchase the Uriflow. It seems reasonable to give it a chance since I am not in dire straits this time, as I was before. If it fails, I hope the money back guarantee holds up. I do have oxalate type stones, BTW. I agree about the condescending doctor, though. The guy I had years ago wanted to put me on diruetics for life. When I refused the prescription, he said "it's just a little tiny pill" like I was afraid of the size of the pill. That was 15 years ago, and if I had listened to him, I'd be on a pack of medicine now. I do take b6 to prevent the stones, but I have not been very faithful to it. I feel it does help, though. I will be taking it more faithfully in the future. I also do not drink enough water. I try to get it down, but usually fail.