In this case I would try a series of colonics to move toxins out quicker.
Make sure your diet is easily digested at this tiome. Blended fruits and vegetables with enzymes to help digest.
I would consider a good oregano oil and possibly olive leaf extract to help you.
Drink Pau d Arco tea as well.
An alkalinizing drink would be beneficial too.
Detox baths witbh food grade h202 (1/2 cup to full bath and a couple cups of Epsom Salts ).
Get a firm skin brush and use that a few times a day all over your body brushing inward to your trunk. Start at feet and hands and work inward. Sweep from back to front and then finish with a sweep in the direction of flow in the colon.
Make sure your diet is clean.
Work towards parasite cleansing and liver flushing.