19 y
Re: Lapis? White tiger? please answer this--
Fungal infection = low temperature? chem-trails?
You're very sweet - thank you.
Also, I started out along with the severe flu-like symptoms with horrible soar throat and swollen glands - this eventually turned in full blown laryngitis (sp?) - now, about ten days later and another horrible episode yesterday of aching as if I were going to die.
Today, I still have a sore throat and slight laryngitis - the alternative doc told me that if it did not go away to try colloindal silver and go to the regular ''idiot'' docs and see if it's "strep throat"".
Well, I decided today to gargle with H202 (food grade) and swallow four drops this morning on an empty stomach.
I know if I go to the ""idiot docs"" all they know is to recommend drugs, i.e
Antibiotics , etc. What a medical system in this country!!!!