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Re: Raw eggs. I had a cat who lived to 24....
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Published: 19 y
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Re: Raw eggs. I had a cat who lived to 24....

She grew up on a free range egg farm and no guesses what her diet consisted largely of! (She ate the broken ones when they were still fresh.)
Anyway, she had a beautiful coat and at age 21 she won "Best Cat in Show"!!!
She moved into town with her family 4 years before she died. They got a new puppy, she wasn't impressed, and she moved next door to our house. We had verification of Moonyean's age from the local vet. She eventually died of kidney problems but until her last few months she was active and very beautiful!

Someone told me that "barn eggs" are much less likely to have salmonella, but I doubt they're as nutritious!


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