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Re: help help help, starting fast in less than 2 weeks.

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

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Re: help help help, starting fast in less than 2 weeks.

if this is your 1st fast ever 30 days is alot to do, i remember my 1st fast, its easy to give in and then you feel dissapointed. Im on my 4th fast now and its very easy to keep on it, you learn more discipline through fasting i think. im on day 6 now and dont feel hungry at all, the hunger feeling goes after day 2-3. A word of warning is not to pig out on loads of junk food before you plan to do a fast as i did 1 time or you will have greater detox symptoms and the first few days will be really hard. so just eat normal healthy natural food before you start fasting.

i am fasting for health and weight loss so am not following a strict fast, i still take freshly made fruit juice (apples from the garden!) and i also drink 4 raw eggs in the morning and 2 later in the day. This gives me lots of energy and ensures i get all the protein and fats i need, im also loosing lots of weight very fast as i run and exercise everyday. if you plan to go on a long fast (im going for 14 days) drinking raw eggs is good as the protein makes you feel full, as does drinking lots of juice. the hardest fast would be a pure water fast.

so if you have to fast for 30 days ask yourself do you want to follow a strict fast or just a general fast? if its your 1st fast ever try to stay away from the kitchen as this was a major temptation for me on my 1st time. you dont really need to buy all your fruit and veg in advance as on a juice fast you will have the energy to go shopping, i would say to get enough to cover you for the first few days (3-4 days) or even a week as you dont want to go to the shops and be tempted by all the food when you are feeling hungry.

if you want to travel during your fast then make sure you prepare juice in advance and keep it in an airtight container, you can freeze if you like, but that depends how long you are leaving it before drinking. i generally make some extra and keep in the fridge for later in the day but you can freeze overnight if you like (i generally dont like to freeze juice thou)

if this is your first time remember the first few days are the hardest and it really helps if you read as much as you can about fasting during those days to keep you motivated. learn about the symptoms of fasting, i.e feeling tired, grumpy, weak and what all these symptoms mean, this will help you to understand your body better when your fasting.

i think you will do fine as you seem to be very determined and are planning ahead, thats another important step is to mentally prepare. good luck and remember these forums are a great place for support before and during your fast.


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