I am doing a Bowel Cleanse and parasite maintenance. The Bowel Cleanse is Psyllium Seed Husk and Bentonite Clay - I take 2-3 day depending on my movements. I useually have one per meal but I am noticing with the psylium seed I get contipated. I am taking pumpkin see oil about 2-3 tbs this helps lubricate the bowel and I am hoping pumpkin seed is anti parasite. i am also taking 3 caps Black-Walnut after the P&B about 1 hour later. I am also taking a cleansing tea 3 x per day.
I do the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the AM - -yes just salt in the water. then after evacuate my first P&B shake.
so glad to have a good result. Today nothing much - fresh mucus- that is a first.