Anyone up for home testing?
Tests need not be elaborate, nor do we need to do a lot of 'reporting'.
"I'd like to try XYZ for three weeks."
"Did/didn't start Thursday."
"It worked/didn't work."
"How about...?"
I'll start...
1985 I was having trouble reading the print in the telephone book (needed reading glasses, I guess), AND couldn't remember telephone numbers of new acquaintances.
Once more looking up Beth's number, I made a statement..."I will remember every number I need to remember, when I need to remember it." Then I went ahead and called Beth, with no further effort put into remembering.
Later that day, I repeated the statement...then forgot about it.
I think it was two days later...I put my hand over the receiver to call someone, and the number jumped into my head.
This capability has never left me, though, at times, I haven't used it for fairly long stretches.
I don't even have to think about it as a 'capability'. It's just one of the things I do.
What have you tried? How did it turn out?
Ever find yourself a parking spot, before you got there?