Please try to find practitioner practicing Bert Hellinger's therapy. That is exactly therapy that you need.
It may not be available in your town, but don't give up, until you find a good practitioner, even if you have to travel to another state/country.
Also, try to find a good therapist practicing Homeopathic medicine, and get good advice and good Homeopathic treatment.
Both therapies are long term therapies ... several months.
Beside that, you should absolutely change your diet and you should start cleansing your body. You don't know how clean and beautiful you are going to feel.
Eliminate from your diet all Foods-that-Kill, and include in your diet foods-that-heal.
Start also body cleansing,
parasites and bowel cleanse, kidney and liver cleanse, dental cleanup.
Just click on "Health" link on this page ... and most I was talking about is explained there.
And, if you do have
Amalgam in your teeth ... get it out!
Best of health