I am now only 80 lbs overweight! Hooray!
But it's been a long, slow journey!
I'm 68 years young.
I mostly eat 'healthy' food, and have done so for all of my life, or so I thought.
I've been knocking around the CureZone for about a year, imagining all the different 'ailments' I might have, and scared spitless to try any major 'cleanse'.
I stubbornly keep thinking that my lifestyle and food choices OUGHT to be enough to get me into the shape I'd love to be.
Plus, we don't have a lot of cash for expensive foods and supplements.
But, what I have been doing has brought my weight down about 34 lbs., although it took me about a year to do that.
I'm not even certain that I still have 80
lbs. to go. The 'charts' may suggest only another 60 lbs., or even less. I figure I'll know the right weight when I feel it.
I know I am not in the right forum to discuss this...many folks here may look at my projected weight loss as trivial. However, there are some things we all face, and your stories encourage me. You are so brave, and wise. And your energy is awesome!
I want to keep reading here. And putting in my two bits once in a while.
You are excellent company.
My best,