Re: My daughter's abuse
I sincerely hope you are still reading, I just got out of an abusive relationship after 7 years, i had to spend a few months at a domestic violence shelter to do It and I was sure that i was going to be killed for leaving him I consider myself lucky to be alive and am still not completely safe, Abusive men do not change, ever ever ever, and alot of them are nice, at least to everyone else but the victim. My abuser, wouldnt kill bugs, but he beat and threatened and everything else you can do to a person to me. Batterers are a unique entity, they are not mentally ill, and it really does not have alot to do with temper, there are alot of bad tempered people out there that do not abuse women, and there are abusers who do not have bad tempers. Tell your daughter to read and find out all she can about domestic violence, learning about it can be very empowering. There can come a time in an abusive relationship, where leaving him is no longer an option, at least to him, read and have her read, Why does he do that? By Lundy Bancroft, A very helpful book on domestic violence. My goal in life now is to be outspoken and tell everyone everything I can about this problem, It is the only way to stop it. Keep Talking and ask questions and Learn Good Luck my prayers are with you and your daughter.