Re: 14 Flushes--results so far.
I've taken some
kidney cleanse suggested by
Andreas Moritz . It's listed in his book and on a post in his forum. The phone number to get the herb mix is 612-824-3157. I took that stuff for my kidneys and I felt fantastic altogether while I was on it. I bought one of those stainless steel thermoses that would keep my drink hot for up to 24 hours and I would drink it all through the day. The stuff tastes good too--like herbal tea! It was almost addicting is was so tasty.
As for the colenema's. I actually bought from a supplier for professional colonics. It was the bags you hang on hooks with the tubing, attachments and everything. It can hold up to 90
ounces of water and the tubes for insertion are like two feet long--so it can go in as far as the body will accept it. I can't afford the regular colonics, so that's what I did. I also rub my stomach in circles while doing it and that seems to work miracles.
I take about 2,000 mgs of malic acid every day for a full two weeks before my flushes. They say standard is 1000 mg's every day for a week and I double it and go twice as long--but I also produce hundreds of stones in every flush even though I've done 14. Before I started doing this with malic acid, I was getting to the point where i was hardly getting anything. I was shocked at the difference when I tried taking malic acid in this manner.
One time I thought I was being smart and I took more than that on the last day and ended up getting tons of melted stone mush instead of stones, so I wouldn't suggest doing more than 2,000 mgs.