Re: Acne, an instant improvement: my forehead cleared first, then the cheeks
All flushers would recommend a bit of bowel and
parasite cleansing before the flush, plus an enema post flush to ensure toxins are flushed out properly. I will be also doing a flush, my 5th, on Monday. Check out the
Liver Flush support and results forums to research for info/support as people have found better tasting alternatives to
Epsom Salts if you are worried(drinking it the 1st time can be hard mentally!), plus other hints and tips.
I read everything before flushing and was amazed that the process was straight forward, painless, productive and was what people said it would be like (including minor nausea in the morning). Go to for flush advice too, she breaks down everything for you (she was a respected advisor on curezone for ages), curezoners like Spirit are also good for info too. Good luck.
The retreat was Moinhos Velhos in Portugal. It was wonderful, supported and supplemented fasting (veg & fruit with bi weekly assessments on mineral, energy, etc levels to ensure everyone is getting what they need), Yoga, meditation, massage, saunas, clean air and colonics. Forgot the outside world for 2 weeks...