It's a membrane that covers a babies face at birth. The old wives tale is that children born with the veil have the gift of second sight and healing. I don't know if this is true or not, but i've always felt that I could be more intune if I tried. I've always been afraid to push it. I have heard strange things in my sleep. The other night I was sleeping and I thought I heard my children calling for me. I went to check on them and they were sound asleep. I layed back down and drifted in the state between sleep and consciousness and I could hear people talking and what sounded like someone scraping out a skillet. Kinda scared me. I have had several experiences like this. I have never like seen the future or anything but sometimes when i'm talking to someone I feel like I can feel what they are feeling. I;m terrified of the dark as well. Don't know if that means anything or not, but I feel like i'm not alone sometimes when i'm in the dark and just just get very scared. My husband think i;m just silly/crazy. Anyway that's all I really know about it. Hopeing someone else has heard of it.