I am new here. 11/04. Wow, I am so glad to hear someone else is using Oregano oil. I've suffered from yeast infections for 15 years on a regular basis. I guess there must be different kinds? Because I have never had any discharge or smell, just horrid itching and burning. A few years ago I saw a Naturalpath doctor about it. She told me to take 4 oregano pill's 3 times a day for 6-9 months. She said no one has ever come back to her w/out being cured. Well withing a month it worked for me. Chrisi, I wouldn't of thought to use it inserted, great idea! At the time I started taking Oregano oil pill's I also started going to Weight Watchers to lose 20lb. I've always ate well, but I did modify portion control and Sugar intake. I only get yeast infections now if I stop taking oregano oil for months on end. I just got one for the first time in??? I am back on Oregano oil. I guess what I am going to do for now on is just take a pill a day. Anything beats having a yeast infection and no love life. I really am dissapointed in MD's, such a simple cure/reliever to take Oregano Oil. Does anyone else out there who suffers from yeast infections also get bladder infection's? I've battled that one too.