Re: It's easy to be judgmental. There's nothing easier in the world.
"It seems that you also think that every woman is to blame and has control over what a man may forcefully do to her."
I am well aware of the reality of rape, and it's a horrible thing. The question sounds like she talking abut a retarded person, an invalid basically, who was probably raped. She couldn't consent to sex b/c she can't think. In that case if she is physically able to carry the baby to term and deliver the baby successfully she should have the baby and give it for adoption(since she can't think walk and talk).
Now, this is a very extremely rare scenario. But if at all we can save the baby while still keeping the mother healthy we should try our best to do that.
"On that note, if you advocate contraception, why not advocate male contraception?"
I do. When I speak about contraception I am talking about male and female contraception. (But we women very well that the heavier burden of contraception will be on us b/c men can't always be relied on for it.)