Re: It's easy to be judgmental. There's nothing easier in the world.
"Just some questions for the people against abortion here. Let's say you would be unable to walk, think and take care of yourself. Would it then be ok for you to do an abortion or would it still be unacceptable?"
If you can't walk,think and take care of yourself, how do you get pregnant in the first place?
No, it would not be okay for you to have an abortion. YOu should give the baby up for adoption to a couple who badly wants a baby to love, nurture, and raise. Since you can't do it, let someone else do it who would gladly to the responsibility for the INNOCENT CHILD. :)
Abortion should not be our first knee-jerk reaction to this sensitive issue!
"If you lived in a country where you have to starve and you don't have enough food for you family, where there is a big chance that you child would have a slow starvation death,"
Okay, first of all the U.S. and third world countries are different. We in America have options for abortions, many TWC do not. That's why many of them are overpoputlated; look at India and China. I'm not justifying abortion at all in these countries, I am advocating CONTRACEPTION. Here in the U.S. I would advocate contraception too.
Many of the hypothetical situations you posed are extenuating circumstances type situations, and even then birth control is the answer for them.
"If the fetus only a few millimeters big has a soul already then why would the soul die after an abortion if we have eternal life?"
This statement is sadistic and cold-blooded! Everyone who is conceived, unless GOD HIMSELF takes the life that He gave them, has a right to life!
AnonymousJane_01 :)