Re: im geeked DAY 5!
I have had body image issues all my life, even when I was thinner. But I have gotten a big boost these last couple of years with my weight loss. Because being 315 pounds, even at my height, is NO FUN! But when I dropped below 200, then below 180, I was SO happy. My b/f even told me to slow it down, but I was feeling marvelous and would even let him see me naked, as long as I wasn't standing up. lol See, when you have a fast weight loss like that, at least on low-carb, with lots of meat and veggies, you do tend to get that loose skin thing. When I was laying or sitting down, great. Standing up, naaaahh. lol I'll stand up and walk around naked faster now than I would then cause at least my skin fits better now. But I do know what you mean about covering up. When I was married I, pretty much, lingered around 250 lbs for the first 8 years, then climbed to over 300 after my third child. All intimacy was performed with lights off and if I had to go potty, I left him on the bed, freezing, as I dragged blanky to bathroom with me. lol My ex-husband would not be able to identify my body either. Heck, I'm glad he can't, now. lol Now my b/f on the other hand has seen a lot more of me and would stand a 50/50 chance. But I would love to parade around proudly like he does.