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Thank you Violetgrace
gah Views: 1,186
Published: 19 y
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Thank you Violetgrace

I was reading the links that you had placed on your response. I have done a 10 day fast in the past and was so weak, I didnt understand why I was having such a hard time. I also was vomiting on my 7th day. I found this in one of the links:

Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency is a very rare enzyme defect which makes it difficult for the body to process fatty acids which are mobilised during a fast. In such cases urine may appear light in colour which is unusual during a fast when great deal of waste (ketones) are being processed.Extreme lethargy and vomiting are early signs. Such problems would only present a danger on a long fast, and not during a short (48 hour) fast because the mobilisation of fats would not be advanced until some days of fasting.

I have never had much colour to my urine during my fasts. It has been almost clear. I read more about MCAD and it fits me completly. All my life I have had this and most people that have it never get diagnosed with it cause it is so rare. My brain swelled up when I was a kid, seven doctors never found the cause, I have low blood sugar, I figured it was because I was slightly over weight but it is this disease I have. I stopped breathing a few times when I was a kid and I have sizures sometimes. No doctors have ever figured out this problem I have. I didnt know that all these problems I have had could be from one disease. I am so glad you put that out there for me to read.

I know now what kind of diet I need. I have also learned that it is a miracle that I survived when my brain swelled. Only 18% of people survive it. I will allways be grateful for your post.

For people that read this, let this be a lesson:


Thank you,


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