to keep your body in ketosis you want to eat less than 20 carbs a day.
so this means protiens and low carb veggies or fruits.(like your strawberries)
you usually can find the carb count or whatever veggie online.
you also want to eat something every four hours. this could just be a slice of cheese. it doesnt need to be a meal.
stay around 1000 calories for the first month
and within two to three weeks you will notice your metab kicking back awake.
and to know if you are still burning fat you can get ketosis sticks at the drug store or a GNC or online.
naturally things you will notice when in ketosis is your breathe or Body Odor .
for me i usually only notice my breath (i am a shower freak) it kinda smells like morning mouth all the time but not rotton more sweet. if that makes any sense.