Re: Can you plateau while you fast?
Last night I watched a documentary called, "Supersize Me". A man ate nothing but McDonald's food for 30 days. He gained about 25
pounds and got physically ill. Not only did he tell how he felt tired and weak and just ill - - he was attended to by doctors and they told him his liver was being damaged.
Good show to watch just before starting a fast. Thinking of all the food he ate in one month that I will NOT be eating - I bet what he ate could easily fill a bathtub. Imagine that mess.
When I fast, the first thing my body takes care of is the toxins I have stored. I feel tired and headachy until that is done. Then my body will start eating all that stored fat - and I always feel much better then. Energized. I really enjoy that time.
I work in a drug store, putter around doing a bit of everything, put up stock, clean shelves, run the register. Not real exercise but I am not lying around either. I don't expect I will miss any work but expect I will slow down for a few days during the toxic feast. Thank goodness I don't have to work until Monday.
Leaving soon for the day - going to an outdoor festival with all my children (4). I will bring water. And water. And water.