Re: Aren't you glad you are Vegetarian
<< Now I guess we'll get to see who's daft. So called organic fertilizers (depending on the manufacturer) have been shown to be contaminated with a chemical called Brominated Di-Phenyl Ether(BDE). These orgainc contaminants closely resemble PCB(polychlorinated bi-phenyls), are fat soluable and found in ever increasing amounts in fruits and vegetables that have any amount of fat in them(peanuts, avicados.. what have you). >>
I didn't say you were daft. I ask you if you were daft and your reply answers that question very well.
Who ever told you that you need to use manufactured fertilizers?
They also have a test on this page. Maybe you should take it to get up to speed on organic farming.
Instead of pesticides.
You haven't provided one link that indicates that organic foods are not healthier for you than non organic. Or that being a vegetarian is less healthy than being a meat eater. Actually you haven't said much except try to impress us with your alledged knowledge by using .25 cent words and muddying up the issue with non related garbage about what is organic (VX). You need to get out more and do some research before you get so confortational.
My original thought with relation to the article I posted still applies. "Aren't you glad you are vegetarian". If you're not, you have my condolences.