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Here's an idea
Stargirl073 Views: 2,275
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 683,658

Here's an idea

Here's a quick idea for everyone. Before any of you start to judge me about why I am fasting, why don't one of you ask me about it? Not one of you bothered to ask me or conncern yourselves with any intentions of my fast, you just quickly made an assumption that I was only doing it for weight loss. I am a little offended by that. First of all, the name calling can definitely stop. I'm not a "self-conscious girl" and I resent being entitled with something by someone who is too ignorant to know anything about me and it was completely uncalled for. I hope you feel better about yourself for passing along a completely irrational judgement on somebody who came to you for support.

For all of you who actually care about helping others with fasting, here's a little background on why I would want to do a longer fast. I fast for the first three days of every month and have been for 2 years. So I've done this before and I know how. I also have been a healthy vegetarian for 10 years and at one point was vegan for 2. I'm not overweight, my goal is not to lose "unwanted pounds" as you all have accused me of wanting to do, although the weight loss is a benefit and is commonly supported in most fasting communities. I have determined myself to do a longer fast because I recently moved to Italy to study politics and philosophy and have been experiencing a desire to learn more about myself and push myself outside of my comfort zones and see where it takes me. I already HAVE healthy eating habits and I am in as much shape as all of us are where we could all stand to lose a few pounds. Obvsiouly that is A benefit, but not the greatest I am searching for. The point of me wanting to fast is to get myself into better emotional shape and refresh some aspects of myself that I don't take much time to do on a regular basis when I should. I am fasting for many different reasons, only one of them being weight loss.

So there. now you know. I'm not a self-conscious girl who wants to drop s a few pounds, I'm a very self-aware woman who is looking to grow and knows that fasting helps me with that.

I appreciate all of your advice but not the judgements that so uneccessarily accompanied them.
I'll take my fast and my desire for fasting companions and support to somewhere else.


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